The documentation of workshops „Advising in the crisis” Austria

It was the 13th time when advisors from the whole Austria met to exchange their experience despite institutional and regional differences. The subject of the meeting was “Advising in the crisis”
At the times of crisis problems, which are encountered by those who seek counselling and also career and education advisors, are even more connected with insecurity, fear, knowledge of the labour market and psycho-social problems.
Especially at these times the discussion on the subject of opportunities and limits of counselling is necessary. At the 13th career and education advisors meeting the counselling was the most important topic.
What can and should professional and educational counselling offer in this situation? Where is the limit of thematic and personal counselling? Which resources can be used by advisors?

At  this year’s meeting aforementioned questions met with a creative discussion concerning the economic crisis context.
The invitation received mainly people working in the field of professional and educational counselling, as well as advisors from the related fields. Also Thomas Spielmann, Swiss psychological coach made his contribution.


Wsparcie udzielone przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię poprzez dofinansowanie
ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism