ТРАНСФЕРТ KNOW-HOW IV 2011 European Meeting-Nowy Staw Foundation invites you to a conference summarizing project "Transfer of know-how on professional counselling for young people" carried out under the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms. The conference will be held on April 28, 2011 at the Europa Hotel in Lublin and will start at 10.00. Participants will be among others managers and employees of labor market institutions of Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The conference is the final action of the project and was preceded by a series of 10 workshops, 4 study visits and internships. The purpose of the meeting is to summarize the project, but also indicate the possibility of East-West cooperation in the field of social issues, particularly the labor market and the presentation of current trends in job counseling.
Проект „Трансферт Know-How по профконсультированию для молодежи” Проект реализуется в партнёрстве: Лидер Проекта: Добровольные Трудовые Отряды в Люблине, Papirbredden Karriersenter из Драммен в Норвегии, Общественная Организация «Гуманитарный Мост» из Бреста Западнио-Украинский Ресурсный Центр (ЗУРЦ) из Львова Фон Развития Волынского Университета им. Леси Украинки из Луцка. Поддержка оказана Исландией, Лихтенштейном и Норвегией, Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through |